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    Sudanese Islamists and Qatar: new agreements reshape the leadership of the army

    Sudanese Islamists and Qatar: new agreements reshape the leadership of the army
    Source, By: SPT and Alrakoba.net.
    Translation from Arabic to English and French, Charilogone Editorial.

    🔺Burhan's Deadly Dreams:

    Those close to the army commander, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, describe him as being pathologically obsessed with power and not caring about the collapse of Sudan on his head. people if it leads him to the presidency. For this reason, its alliances depend on the acceptance of any party, regardless of its ideological orientations. However, he is hostile to democratic forces who believe in the peaceful transfer of power, and his recent speech is hardly devoid of attacks and insults against the “Coordination of Democratic Civil Forces” (Taqaddum).

    By throwing themselves into the arms of their enemies and enemies of democratic transformation, namely the Sudanese Islamic Movement (the old regime), thinking that this will once and for all rid them of the democratic forces that stand in power, means to achieve his authoritarian dream. Maybe it's true! given his bloody past, but in doing so he not only overthrew his adversaries, but he also undermined his future and also offered his head to be put down, without realizing it.

    One political observer believes that the dream of power has been blinded by the evidence and made him unbalanced in his thinking. The Islamic Movement, which started the war on April 15, 2023, by exploiting its influence and its members within the army and other security services, did so not to gain power, but rather to restore his power, which was overthrown by the popular revolution of April 2019. He considers it a simple tool to implement his orders, and nothing more.

    Al-Burhan, who deceived the world by presenting himself after the Sudanese popular revolution as a supporter of democratic civil transformation and a partner of civilians in managing the transition phase, his authoritarian ambitions led him to fall into the “death horse” trap. He has been involved in huge crises, now and in the future, to resolve simple problems that could have been overcome with limited concessions. In his rush to ally himself with the Islamists against Sudan's democratic forces, he became like a wild dog trying to prey on its prey amid a herd of wild hyenas.

    🔺Deferred conflict:

    Al-Burhan, who is supported and allied by the Sudanese Islamic Movement, believes he can exploit it as a bridge to his rise to power. He seeks to rule Sudan under his aegis, but the Islamic movement itself has more in mind for him than for him, as it considers him a mere opportunist and an outsider to its project. However, she postpones her fight against him until she ends her war against him.

    He does not want to engage in petty side battles with part of the army at present, but instead plans to replace it with one of his most trusted and organized officer elements within of the army, through a harmonious elimination process that will not raise any noise or problem within the military institution.

    On November 29 last year, a leaked video clip from a symposium organized by a Syrian faction of the Muslim Brotherhood in Türkiye spread. Abdel-Hay Yusuf, an Islamic sheikh considered one of the imams of Sudanese war Salafism, spoke at the symposium. Abdul Hay, who has lived in Türkiye since the fall of the previous regime in 2019, is considered one of the most prominent leaders of the Sudanese Islamic movement. In his speech, he indicated that the Islamic movement does not trust Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan and mocked him and his personality, describing him as having a disrespectful personality. He added emphatically: “Burhan cannot eliminate the Islamists because they are present in his office. ".

    Abdul Hayy Youssef's speech, published on Syrian Islamic websites, caused great concern and tension within the Islamic movement, as it revealed his true intentions and opinions on Al-Burhan.

    Under the influence of this great embarrassment, the Sudanese Islamic Movement was forced to publish a timid statement on the evening of the same day in which it said it appreciated the army and its commander, and denied that Abdel-Hay Yusuf was a member of it. Islamic Movement. The statement added that Abdul Hay is - in their words "an Islamic preacher who appreciates and respects his great works for Islam."

    This denial sparked a widespread wave of ridicule among Sudanese, with many sarcastically asking on social media: “If Abdel-Hay Yusuf is not an Islamist, then who is an Islamist?”

    For his part, army commander Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan took advantage of his visit to one of the military units the next day to speak to the soldiers, calling Abdel-Hay Youssef a “takfiri”.

    Of course, the Sudanese Islamic Movement was lying in its denial, since it had no choice but to deny Abdel-Hay Yusuf's affiliation with it. He put her in an awkward position when he revealed his true vision for Burhan's future.

    Here we publish a document dated November 14 last year – two weeks before Abdel-Hay's speech – proving that Abdel-Hay Yusuf is still a leading member of the Sudanese Islamic Movement. The document is a list of participants to the leaders of the conference of the Sudanese Islamic Movement, which was held on November 14 in Istanbul. Abdul Hay Youssef's name appears on the attendance list, listed in alphabetical order, under number 114.

    🔺Qatar determines alternative to Al-Burhan:

    According to reliable sources close to the decision-making centers within the Islamists, Abdul Hayy Youssef is not an ordinary member, but rather one of the leaders of the Shura Council of the Islamic Movement. The sources said his leaked speech reflects the opinion of the movement's top leaders, who view the alliance with Al-Burhan as a temporary alliance that will end with the end of the war, as the movement prepares to replace him by a more reliable leader. and officer organized among its members within the army.

    The sources confirmed that the alternative is Major General Nasr al-Din Abdel Fattah, the current commander of the Armored Corps and one of the elements engaged within the Islamic Movement. He was chosen in coordination with the State of Qatar, which considers Al-Burhan an untrustworthy figure, and organized Nasr Al-Din's visit to Doha last November, where he met with security officials Qatar, during which he was approved as advisor to replace Al-Burhan. Qatar also provided him with housing and allowances and brought his family to reside there.

    These sources revealed an unprecedented rise in Qatari influence within the army, with Qatar being responsible for more than a year for paying the salaries of the army and Islamist militias allied to it, in addition to financing of arms sales, in particular the purchase of drones.

    🔺Who is General Nasr al-Din Abdel Fattah:

    Major General Nasr al-Din Abdel Fattah, Sudanese army officer graduated from the Military College (36th class). He spent most of his service in the Armored Corps, where he held several positions until becoming Commander of the Armored Institute, then Commander of the Armored Corps. He joined the Sudanese Islamic Movement while serving with the rank of captain and was discharged from the army after being accused.

    Involved in the failed July 2019 military coup attempt, led by then-army chief of staff Hashim Abdul Muttalib, known for his affiliation with the Islamic Movement. It was returned to service on the day the war broke out, April 15, 2023.

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