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    Message from the African Refugees Rights Initiative in Egypt - English

    Message from the Initiative for the Rights of African Refugees in Egypt to the international community, the African Union, the UNHCR office in Geneva, UNHCR Egypt, the UN...
    Indeed, the purpose of this message is to alert the whole world about the inhumane situation experienced by African refugees in Egypt, the UNHCR office is not properly doing its humanitarian work and its protection role as stipulated in the UN Convention. UNHCR. Geneva in 1951, the UNHCR in Egypt, an irresponsible institution, does not care about the needs of refugees. The big problem in this call to the community, we highlight here that in Egypt, African refugees living in an open-air prison, they are prohibited from leaving the country under penalty of threat of repatriation to their country of origin, they are not entitled to a travel document to have the chance to leave Egypt, in short, it is modern slavery maintained.

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