Sometimes lacking in capacity and often in inspiration and lucidity, it remains the bottom of all continental organizations and plunges all youth into a very gloomy situation. The African Union, an organization out of step with the times.
Summits, seminars, conferences, tables of all geometric shapes ranging from round to oval, the African Union has remained the most fragile organization of all other continents.
From Addis Ababa to Dakar or Abidjan, only meetings with dizzying budgets.
Result of the race, nothing but final declarations. Period. We forget everything, and we look forward to the next meeting. No more bills for plane tickets, hotels, daily allowances, catering, and the list goes on.
Between hotel corridors and posh meeting rooms, the main thing is to be in a suit and tie, "Fresh" and perfumed and above all to prepare your proposal which must be included in the final declaration. That's it! The rest of the time is shared between luxury boutiques, and of course in the evening at the hotel with little girls who are often his daughter's age. Libido obliges!
Otherwise, how can we understand that Africa, which alone contains more than 40% of the world's wealth and 70% of its population is young, remains the last of the continents in terms of development?
But above all, it remains almost non-existent in the world trade balance. And not only that, since all sectors are marked in red. At a time when the continent is facing serious problems of unemployment and insecurity, the African Union is all talk. No concrete action. And yet, almost every day, dozens, even hundreds of bodies of young Africans wash up on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
Desperate young people from the continent who brave the sea in search of a better life (?) at the risk of their lives.
Every day, thousands of children die from famine, cholera, malaria, but also from wars, terrorism, etc. African populations are therefore abandoned to their own devices.
The African Union, totally out of step with the real needs of the populations, but also out of step with the challenges of the moment, fails to develop a concrete project, based on pragmatism like the European Union or the United States of America, etc.
Between leadership problems and inability to have a vision for Africa, the African Union is hiding behind a lack of financial resources. Today, it has no peacekeeping authority in matters of security and, in any turbulent situation, it is always the West that must be contacted; but at what price!
Furthermore, the problems of governance, food security, education and training, health, human rights, peace and infrastructure still remain the gaping wound of an entire continent. And until when?
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