Interview: Dr. Ali A. Haggar responds to “Charilogone”
Comment collected by the #Charilogone editorial staff on September 5, 2015:The Editorial Staff of Charilogone Magazine: What do you think of the Charilogone magazine initiative?
Dr Ali A. Haggar: First of all thank you, the initiative is very interesting, to find the Chari and the Logone next to the Nile which is the largest river in Africa.
It's a good thing, the Chari and the Logone are among the largest rivers in the Sahel, it's our ecological, cultural, geographical heritage and a bit of a cradle of civilization of cultures and the fact of having given the name to your newspaper "Charilogone", testifies to the density of your thinking, and the proof is that you really love Chad from what is most alive because the Chari and the Logone practically cross the South of Chad, part of eastern Chad and flow into western Chad.
And at the aquatic eye, fifth on the African continent, I am amazed, despite the difficulties that students encounter abroad, you manage to set up this newspaper, demonstrate talents, initiatives, this proves that in Chad we can hope and do many things where the will is not lacking.
NB: Dr Ali A. Haggar is the founder of HEC Chad University, writer and author of several literary works.
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